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Hello To Your Intuition

Rick Greer • January 25, 2020

Saying hello to your intuition

Say hello to your intuition
Hello.... what a great word. To me it means an acknowledgment. A recognition of someone's being. On this site and in our blog,  we will be saying hello to our intuition, the ability to perceive, see, know or feel things about ourselves, each other and the world around us in ways that are subtle.  William Duby, the founder of our school often said that spirituality is practicality.

We use our intuition all the time. We pick up on the subtle energies and cues from people we talk with that let us know how best to communicate with someone. We have a tingle that runs up our spine, and suddenly decide to take a different route than our normal commute. Later on we hear that we averted an accident. We have a hunch about a new job, new diet, new relationship and by following that intuitive whisper, we strengthen the psychic muscle by using it.

Stay tuned to this space where we will be sharing about all sorts of topics related to intuition and our ability to see things clearly. What about you. Do you have a story to share about your intuition, let us know in the comments section.


The Intuitive Blogger

Spiritual hygiene corona virus
By Rick Greer May 6, 2020
Some meditation techniques to use when feeling anxious and stressed out from the challenging times of living in the new reality shaped by the global pandemic of the Corona virus, Covid-19.
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