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Spiritual Hygiene in Coronavirus Land

Rick Greer • May 6, 2020

Spiritual Hygiene - Coping with Corona Virus

Say hello to your intuition
By Rick Greer

Well, here we are a month or more into a new reality, one in which we practice social distancing, wearing protective masks and gloves, challenges to our financial and work situations and with no end firmly in sight.

It can be an anxiety laden time for many people, and yet, we see on an almost daily basis, reports of folks reaching out to one another, making contact in helpful and often heartfelt ways, so that we can ease one another’s burdens and lift each other’s spirits. The very essence of being a good neighbor.

One of the things I noticed in myself was a tendancy to revert to comfort eating to ease the anxiety I was experiencing. I realized this was not really what I wanted for myself and so it dawned on me to get back to basics. To rededicate myself to my morning and evening meditation times to drain those energies that were bugging me. 

This doesn’t take very long to do, and with the way life is we certainly have more time to practice some spiritual hygiene. Grounding first and foremost, blowing roses and running my energy (shoot us an email if you are unfamiliar with these techniques), all help within 10-15 minutes to help me re-center and focus my attention on being in the moment. The body and emotions can really calm down when we do this. Mine did, and I found myself not going to the fridge for carbohydrate therapy. In addition, I’ve been utilizing a number of recordings to help guide my meditations… Removing Mental Blocks, and The Law of Mind, to name a couple.

Why not take some time to start or restart your daily meditation. If you have questions about how to do this, email us at, or call 800-642-9355. We’d love to hear from you and help guide you into a safe and practical way to work through these challenging times. 

The Intuitive Blogger

Quiet meditation. Intuition is developed through use and the practical of constructive silence.
By Rick Greer January 25, 2020
Hello.... what a great word. To me it means an acknowledgment. A recognition of someone's being. On this site and in our blog, we will be saying hello to our intuition, the ability to perceive, see, know or feel things about ourselves, each other and the world around us in ways that are subtle. William Duby, the founder of our school often said that spirituality is practicality. We use our intuition all the time. We pick up on the subtle energies and cues from people we talk with that let us know how best to communicate with someone. We have a tingle that runs up our spine, and suddenly decide to take a different route than our normal commute. Later on we hear that we averted an accident. We have a hunch about a new job, new diet, new relationship and by following that intuitive whisper, we strengthen the psychic muscle by using it. Stay tuned to this space where we will be sharing about all sorts of topics related to intuition and our ability to see things clearly. What about you. Do you have a story to share about your intuition, let us know in the comments section. Rick
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